Coralberry (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus), also known as Indian Currant or Buckbrush, is a small deciduous shrub that forms extensive colonies and thrives in part shade to shade. It produces greenish-white flower clusters from April to September, but its most striking feature is the coral-pink to purple fruit that persists through winter. These vibrant berries add visual interest and provide a valuable food source for songbirds, ground birds, small mammals, and browsers. While Coralberry is shade tolerant and wildlife-friendly, it is toxic to pets, so caution is advised when planting it.
Scientific Name: Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Origin: Southwestern U.S., Mexico
Height: 4 to 6 feet
Spread: 4 to 6 feet
Light: Partial Shade, Shade
Water: Low, Medium
USDA Zone: 5-11
Bloom: April to September